Thursday, July 14, 2005

If you want to send a private message or some work, use the following address:
arago2311ATgmailDOTcom (AT=@ and DOT=.)

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Your textbook will be TRACKERS published by Hachette.
You will also need the workbook related to it.( see class life a post in ENGLISH ROOM, the other blog you must connect to. You'll find its address in Web Log, a 07-05 post, that is to say a post published in July 2005)
... Votre manuel sera TRACKERS publié chez Hachette. Vous aurez aussi besoin du workbook qui y est associé.(voir class life, un message dans ENGLISH ROOM, un autre blog auquel vous devez vous connecter. Vous trouverez l'adresse de ce blog dans Web Log, un post 07-05, donc de juillet 2005.)

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

So easy to blog
Try and create an English blog of yours.
Post its address in the comments.
You might get a GG for it too!

Monday, July 04, 2005

(Also see English Room, a blog common to all my classes.
Find it in my complete profile
or open a new window with the following address: )
2NDE 2005-2006 Lycée Arago Reims

Hello! So you're Arago's pupils ?

This is E.Bilien speaking! With my colleagues, J.Baronna, A.Bernaud, S.Frati and E.Poulon, we hope to help you improve your English.

I expect to teach English in three "secondes".
LV1mod : 3h + 1 h quinzaine en groupe en salle multimedia
LV1: 3heures
LV2 : 2,5heures (3 si classe peu chargée)

This is an endeavour, an attempt…
I’m trying to do something new
for the pupils: a blog
to be followed by other blogs.
...but will it work?
will we interact?

a) Should it be successful, we would consider it as Arago's seconde's logbook(on a weekly basis: week 1...
b) It should contain a short outline of the work we're doing.
c) I will also post your best written productions as well as comments on your 2-5mn reports.
d) You will be able to post
your comments, your suggestions or your questions about the lessons. You will be noted (or not noted under 10/20..) for improving the blogs.EASY TO GET GG... !
Question number one! #1 What does GG stand for?
(a clue for #1:-) it's American English, Brits would say GM for G...Marks...) Give the answer in class!

to be continued...